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The Language of Tarot
Introductions (2:35)
A Note on Tarot Decks
Standards of Conduct
Unit One: The Fool's Journey
Welcome to the Language of Tarot
Grammar Lesson 1: The Major Arcana
Grammar Lesson 2: Gender
Grammar Lesson 3: Reversals
Vocabulary 0: The Fool
Vocabulary 1: The Magician
Vocabulary 2: The High Priestess
Vocabulary 3: The Empress
Vocabulary 4: The Emperor
Vocabulary 5: The Hierophant
Vocabulary 6: The Lovers
Vocabulary 7: The Chariot
Challenge: Reading for Yourself (8:55)
Exercise 1: Card of the Day
Exercise 2: Reading the Past
Exercise 3: Journal Prompt
Practice Reading
End of Unit One
Unit Two: Self-Discovery
Grammar 1: Major Arcana Row Two
Grammar 2: Figures vs. Themes
Grammar 3: Crossing Cards
Vocabulary 8: Strength
Vocabulary 9: The Hermit
Vocabulary 10: Wheel of Fortune
Vocabulary 11: Justice
Vocabulary 12: The Hanged Man
Vocabulary 13: Death
Vocabulary 14: Temperance
Challenge: Reading "Blind" (8:16)
Exercise 1: Mystery Theme
Exercise 2: MA Knock-Out, Row 1 vs. Row 2
Exercise 3: Journal Prompt
Practice Reading
End of Unit Two
Unit Three: Coming Home
Grammar 1: Major Arcana Row Three
Grammar 2: Card Interactions
Vocabulary 15: The Devil
Vocabulary 16: The Tower
Vocabulary 17: The Star
Vocabulary 18: The Moon
Vocabulary 19: The Sun
Vocabulary 20: Judgement
Vocabulary 21: The World
Challenge: Reading the Future (9:21)
Exercise 1: A Reading for your Younger Self
Exercise 2: Tarot Timelines
Exercise 3: Journal Prompt
Practice Reading
End of Unit Three
Unit Four: Tarot Court
Grammar 1: The Minor Arcana
Grammar 2: The Court Cards
Vocabulary: The Pages
Vocabulary: The Knights
Vocabulary: The Queens
Vocabulary: The Kings
Halfway Point Check-In
Exercise 1: Celebrity Court Cards
Exercise 2: Role Play of the Day
Exercise 3: Significators + Journal Prompt
Practice Reading
End of Unit Four
Unit Five: Suit of Wands
Grammar: Numerology of Tarot
Numerology in Action
Vocabulary: Suit of Wands
Exercise 1: Tarot Poker
Exercise 2: Make Your Own Spread
Exercise 3: Tarot as an Artistic Tool
Practice Reading
End of Unit Five
Unit Six: Suit of Cups
Grammar: The Language of Color
Vocabulary: Suit of Cups
Exercise 1: Tarot Stories
Exercise 2: Tarot Aesthetics
Exercise 3: Mystery Card of the Day
Practice Reading
End of Unit Six
Unit Seven: Suit of Swords
Grammar 1: Tarot and Astrology, Part One
Grammar 2: Tarot and Astrology, Part Two
Vocabulary: Suit of Swords
Exercise 1: Rotating Cards
Exercise 2: Marry, Do, or Die?
Exercise 3: Crossroads Tarot
Practice Reading
End of Unit Seven
Unit Eight: Suit of Pentacles
Grammar: Animals in Tarot
Vocabulary: Suit of Pentacles
Exercise 1: Major/Minor Mix-n-Match
Exercise 2: Deck Interview
Exercise 3: No-flip Reading
Journal Prompt: My Tarot Journey
Practice Reading
Bonus: Reading Beyond the Cards
End of Course: The Journey Continues...
Vocabulary 4: The Emperor
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